How can I get a water heater?
All swimming pool stores can have our products. Several of them have them in their store during peak season. If store representatives do not know how to obtain a Val Therm water heater, invite them to call us to inform them on the procedure to follow to obtain our water heaters.
Do you install water heaters?
No, the installation is done by an electrician for the connection and by a swimming pool professional for the plumbing installation.
How many degrees per hour does my water heat?
From ½ to 1 degree per hour depending on these factors:
- The current ambient temperature of your pool. The water must pass several times to raise the temperature at the start of the season. It only passes around twice in a day, so you should allow a few days when you leave the water heater. Thereafter it will maintain its temperature as specified above.
- Is the area you are in colder or warmer?
- Exposure of your pool to the sun during the day
- Put on a solar cover at night when the outside heat is colder to keep your pool warm
Who can do after-sales follow-up if my water heater needs repair later?
You must call us so that we can repair your water heater or you can help repair it yourself by purchasing the parts.
How to find the right water heater?

What is the operating cost of this water heater?